Tuesday, May 13, 2014

The Virtue of Hard Work


In Kid City this month our kids are learning about the Virtue of Hard Work, or more specifically, endurance. They will learn about four different bible stories that will relate to enduring even when things get tough.  Below is an excerpt from the curriculum we will be teaching from this month.

Jesus said, “In the world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” Jesus never promised that life would be easy. In fact, He assured us of the exact opposite. But as Jesus lived without sin and defeated death through His resurrection, He proved that He could overcome the world! Now, our belief in His strength and power helps us stay strong even during the hard times.
Endurance is sticking with what you started even when it gets tough. It assumes that parts of life are going to be hard, yet in spite of that we can have hope and never give up. Through endurance we learn to trust God’s promises so we can experience the joy of completing what we began. We keep going because there will be a reward for having endurance. Often that endurance has the power to encourage others. When they see us stick with it even when we’re tired or make mistakes or when we feel alone or discouraged, they may come to realize they can have endurance during their tough times, too.

This month, we'll talk about how:
(1) Endurance is a response to God, knowing He has given us His Spirit to help us.
(2) Endurance is a response to the mission Jesus gave us as His followers.
(3) Endurance will show others how much we trust God through difficult times. 
(4) Showing endurance is part of the process of helping God restore the world.

How can we, the primary spiritual leaders, model and teach our kids about working hard and enduring even when things get tough? 

Look for the many opportunities that come up throughout your week.  Maybe one of your kids didn't get the role in the school play or the grade they wanted in math. Maybe they aren't getting to play the position they want to play on their sports team, or maybe they're just having a hard time cleaning their room or being nice to their friends!  All of that takes hard work and endurance.  These are all great opportunities we can use to teach!

As adults, we also have opportunities where we can model for kids how to handle situations that require hard work and endurance.  What was it for you this week?  Where did you have to put in the extra work?  Did you have a big project that you needed to finish? Did you find yourself putting the extra touch on something or going that extra mile, knowing that what you do at work honors God?  Was there something you wanted to quit, but instead you decided to stick with it and keep trying? Tell you kids about it!!

The monthly "family" memory verse is: “Let us not become tired of doing good. At the right time we will gather a crop if we don’t give up.” Galatians 6:9, NIrV 

Even when things don’t go our way, if it’s something good, we can trust God that at the right time, we will see a reward for our hard work and endurance.

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