In a recent lunch with a friend of mine, I asked him how he was doing at being the spiritual leader of his home. He said at times he did well, and then he'd just get lazy. During our conversation I asked the question, "What gets you back on track when you feel like you're not doing so well?" He gave me an answer that I have heard over and over again recently, and even experienced in my own life. The answer? Crisis. Why is it that we continue to live in this constant cycle of; crisis... healthy... crisis....healthy? Sometimes I thank God for crisis! If it weren't for crisis, we may not ever get back to healthy.
I know we as parents want to be great spiritual leaders to our families, so it's not for a lack of desire. Honestly, I believe when we boil it down to the root of the problem, we find that it's really plain selfishness. Not intentional selfishness, just "getting caught up in our own stuff" selfishness. Like my friend said at lunch, laziness. So the question we need to ask ourselves is this, "What can we do to stay on track? How can we be effective spiritual leaders of our home without waiting for a crisis to occur in order to get back to healthy? One way is through good 'ol fashioned relationships. It's critical that we invite people in our lives to ask us the hard questions, often! I call these people my "Spiritual Development Team." These are men I have asked to be in my life and hold me accountable to the things I need to be disciplined to do. These are men I can go to for advice and wise counsel when I'm faced with a tough decision. These are men that I know will pray for me and be confidential. These are men I will see or speak to weekly. These aren't perfect men, but they are followers like me, striving everyday to put on the character of Jesus. I encourage you today, moms and dads, to create your own "Spiritual Development Team." We need others, and they need us, as we do our best to win at home! Who will you invite to be on your team? What's keeping you from asking them? By what date will you ask them?
My 6 year old daughter's future "Spiritual Development Team!"
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