Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Welcome to Home Court

This blog is an attempt to connect parents who are striving to be the spiritual leaders of their homes. More specifically, the parents of Skyline Church who have made a pledge to take on the challenge to lead our children daily by:

1. Personal Spiritual Development (Growing to become more like Jesus)
2. Creating an Environment of Grace (Loving unconditionally)
3. Learning, Modeling, and Teaching (Looking for daily opportunities in real time)
4. Team Integrated Experiences (Widening the circle of those influencing our children)

My hope is that I can encourage you on this journey and provide for you ideas and resources to help along the way.

Below is a slide I didn't get to in my message on Sunday. This slide is a picture of the strategy for families at Skyline.  The road is your child's spiritual journey.  The Blue arrows represent the 4 keys to being a spiritual parent.  These are things we are being intentional about daily.  The orange arrows are the Team Integrated Experiences that are in addition to what we are doing at home.  The mile markers on the sides of the road are resources that we at Skyline will use to come alongside and help parents at pivotal times in our kids lives.  As your child approaches the ages posted on the signs, you will have the opportunity to use the resource to teach your child and help them grow wiser and become more like Jesus.

I'm excited about this journey together as we change the current cycle and diligently pass on our faith to the next generation!